Establishing Credibility
Released on = November 18, 2006, 11:55 am
Press Release Author = Shannon Cherry
Industry = Real Estate
Press Release Summary = Expert Offers Tips to Establish Your Credibility
Press Release Body = Everyone is bombarded with advertising that sounds too good to be true. People investing in services or products when they feel like they will receive exactly what is advertised. Customers can be reassured when they sense credibility.
"The key to success is defining what makes you different from all the others," says Kelle Sparta. "Establishing credibility is one way of doing that." Sparta is the founder of Sparta Success Systems (, a real estate training company that helps brokers and agents develop better relationships with their clients.
Sparta offers the following tactics that can be done by entrepreneurs to create credibility:
1. Get quoted in the newspaper: The easiest way to do this is to pitch a story that is interesting to the reporter that you can be quoted in as an expert. 2. Recycle this publicity: Post the article on your website, link to it from your articles, mention it in you advertising publications, and reference yourself as "As seen in." 3. Write a tips booklet: "You can write tips from general topics, like how to start your own business, to specifics, such as focusing on your field of expertise," Sparta suggests. These booklets can also be an additional source of income when they are sold on the web. 4. Testimonials: "The most often overlooked way of establishing credibility is letting your clients speak for you," Sparta explains. "People like to hear from other people who have worked with you in the past because they can be trusted."
There are many other ways to establish credibility, including getting a book published.
Kelle Sparta is the founder of Sparta Success Systems, a real estate training company that provides tools, products, and training to empower agents and brokers to create lives and businesses they can love. She is the author of The Consultative Real Estate Agent - Building Relationships that Create Loyal Clients, Get More Referrals, and Increase Your Sales, as well as being a speaker and trainer specializing in the real estate industry.
Web Site =
Contact Details = Shannon Cherry Cherry Communications 184 Lancaster St. Albany, NY 12210 518-248-6592
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